Formazione con Devoto Design PCTO

Devoto Design teaching program: a project to help students grow

Devoto Design teaching program: a project in cooperation with the high school “Vittorio Veneto Salvemini” of Latina dedicated to the training of future workers in marketing and finance. This is what has happened so far.. 


“WE ARE DELIGHTED to be cooperating with a public school of Latina. It has always been important to us Devoto Design to be an active part of our territory and put our know-how and our experience at the service of the social and cultural context we live and operate in.” (Cecilia Devoto, CEO)


Devoto Design teaching program and the school-work project

The partnership signed with Vittorio Veneto Salvemini High School established a three-year project which in Italy is called PCTO –  Percorso per le Competenze Trasversali e l’Orientamento. This project aims at helping high school students be able to find their way for what concerns both their private and social life. In this case we are working with a class of students in “accountancy, finance and marketing“.

“WHAT IS A SCHOOL-WORK PROJECT? It is a training experience that joins knowledge and know how, that guides young people’s ambitions and opens school teaching to the world outside.” (traslation from:

During the first meeting Claudio and Cecilia Devoto told the students the story of our company. Then they showed them the main and most iconic works we have delivered and – most important of all – they tried to understand what students expect from this project.

“WE KNOW: IT IS NOT EASY TO THRILL AND INTRIGUE young people today, because they have access to a huge amount of data and information whenever they want and pretty fast. It is a challenge, then, but we are sure we’ll be able to build a productive and stimulating relationship.” (Claudio Devoto)

At school with Devoto: high school training

After the first meeting, the students came to visit our company in Cisterna di Latina, where our headquarters are located.

We showed them the workshop and we also had a quick tour in the other company departments: our offices, the archives as well as the warehouse.

During this visit, the company key figures introduces themselves and their departments, talking about skills and duties and showing them the main working tools. We particularly stressed the importance of the processes that everyday help the different department work, cooperate and interact. Then we showed them the program that each department can offer to the students for the next three years.


Back at school, students discussed with their teachers about the programs of the different departments. They chose the path that better suited their interests and we created the work teams. And here we are: this three-year long adventure finally starts…

Below, students divided into groups in Devoto Headquarters working on their newly assigned projects:

 Devoto Design teaching program - Students

“WE WANT TO OFFER THESE STUDENTS AN “ON THE JOB” TRAINING. It’s a different way of learning and putting what they have learned so far into practice. We believe it is a great opportunity for them to understand how a company works, the different roles and the key figures; it is their chance to “feel” a working environment and understand the importance and the value of work.”   (Cecilia Devoto)


Follow us: we’ll share some behind the scenes facts and we’ll tell you more about this new adventure! 

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